This article has few tips to clear CPC examination in one go!

Tips on
1. Time Management
2. Ruling Out Choices
3. Handling reports
4. Anatomy and Medical Terminology Questions
5. Questions with multiple codes

Time Management:

Set a sectional or column wise target for example Section A – 2.5 Hrs, Section B – 1.5 Hrs, Section C – 1 hr or finish each column in the coding sheet within an hour

Ruling Out Choices:

First understand the difference between the each choice, and then read the question. I suggest to use your pencil and strike down the wrong choices, which gives you a clear visualization of the choices you are working. Just like a clear desk it always keeps you focused.

Handling reports:

Need not panic about lengthy reports in the exam. Starting with the choice its easy to handle lengthy reports. Understand the difference between the codes before you read the question, this will keep you focused on the reading of the report. Underling the facts based on the choice difference. Once you fix the choices you need not read the report multiple times, which also saves a good deal of time.

Anatomy and Medical Terminology Questions:

There is no alternative for having a good foundation in Anatomy and Medical Terminology before you take up CPC. Even after a good preparation if you are finding difficult with these questions, always refer your CPT and ICD-10-CM index to fix these questions. Refer the terms mentioned in the index, go to the specific are and try to figure out referring notes, code descriptions, parenthetical notes, illustrations, even the notes under the illustrations will help a lot!

Questions with multiple codes:

When every choice has multiple codes first try to figure out one code/concept whcih is clear/easy. This can eliminate few choices or some times exactly takes you to the right answer.















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