With speech recognition reaching maturity stage and beginning to deliver the long expected ROI, different worries have come up, with one major issue being the future of medical transcription profession. Some are of the opinion that speech recognition would make the medical transcriptionists redundant. In the front end setting of speech recognition, the physician is the one who oversees the complete report of creation process. However, when backend speech recognition is concerned, and for the most adopted widely setting till date for physician productivity reasons, the medical transcriptionists are still required for the editing skills. Therefore, speech recognition would not affect the medical transcription profession, the way it is being thought. However, this profession has been witnessing a steady flow of professionals changing to other streams to ensure that they get income and to pursue a better career.

Most medical transcriptionists are at cross roads and to overcome this specific circumstance, has been taking decisions to move on to other fields that does offer them with better growth and a career that they can really look forward to. As a matter of fact, there are several fields in the health care industry that has been witnessing a wonderful growth and hence, have been attracting the medical transcriptionists in huge numbers to join it. It has also been seen that the demand for medical transcription training has fallen drastically across the globe, due to this effect and jobs in this profession has been dwindling. Although, this profession for the time being would not come to a complete end, but the way the profession is witnessing the present moment, would definitely require the existing medical transcriptionists to look for other ways.















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