CPC – Certified Professional Coder

AAPC’s Certified Professional Coder (CPC) credential is the measuring standard for the medical coders working in the physician office setting. This credential is held by more than 105,000 coding professionals in the industry. The certification is considered critical for compliant and profitable medical practices. Certified coders approimately earn 20% more than non-certified coders. The CPC certification increases the chances of being hired and retained in a competitive job market.

Abilities of a CPC certified coder:

  • Expertise in reviewing and assigning accurate medical coding for diagnoses, procedures and services in a physician-office setting
  • Proficiency across a wide range of services, including evaluation and management, anesthesia, surgical services, radiology, pathology and medicine
  • A sound knowledge of medical coding rules and regulations including compliance and reimbursement – allowing a CPC to better handle issues such as medical necessity, claim denials, bundling issues and charge captures
  • Knowing how to integrate medical coding and reimbursement rule changes into a practice’s reimnursement processes
  • Knowledge of antomy, physiology, medical terminology necessary to correctly provide diagnosis and services

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